Scorpion Suckers


Scorpion Pops - Real Scorpions You Can Eat


  • Cotton Candy
  • Mango Habanero
  • Bacon Fudge
  • Strawberry Banana

Each lollipop has a real scorpion inside, just waiting for you to eat… if you dare!

Scorpion Suckers


Real scorpions you can eat encased in a hard candy sucker. That’s right, these scorpion pops have a real scorpion inside, including the pincers and the stinger! There is no danger in eating a scorpion, stinger and all.

Scorpions have been around longer than humans, and some scorpions are venomous enough to kill a human (although this is rare). Well, this is your chance to bite back!

Are you brave enough to lick this scorpion sucker? Try it and find out just how sweet it is!

Bacon Fudge Scorpion Lollipops


Cotton Candy Scorpion Lollipops


Mango Habanero Scorpion Suckers


Strawberry Banana Scorpion Suckers


Scorpion Pops - Real Scorpions You Can Eat


Scorpion Pops Display


Each Box Contains 36 Scorpion Pops

Only $117 or $3.25 each

Just imagine what you can do with 36 scorpion pops! At only $4.50 each you can use them as party favors or sell them at your local market.

Wholesale Scorpion Suckers


Here’s some information on this amazing animal.

Scorpions Can Live in Harsh Climates

Scorpions Can Live in Harsh Climates

You can find scorpions on every continent except Antarctica and New Zealand. Some scorpions can exist in the harshest of climates including many places that would kill other animals.

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Scorpions Can Live Without Oxygen For Up to 48 Hours

Scorpions Can Live Without Oxygen For Up to 48 Hours

Scorpions have what is called “Book Lungs,” which are layers of membranes in their exoskeleton that hold oxygen for extended periods. Because of this, they can survive without oxygen for up to two days.

So, if you see a dead scorpion in your swimming pool, you better be cautious because it might not be dead at all.

Scorpions Glow

Scorpions Glow

You can try it for yourself.

Under UV light (blacklight), scorpions glow an eerie blue/green color, and it’s fairly dramatic. It’s not known why scorpions have this trait, but one theory is that it helps them find mates and to find places to hide even when it’s very dark.

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Scorpions Are Edible

Scorpions Are Edible

Scorpions (and tarantulas) are considered food in many countries. They are an essential source of protein. In rural areas, adults and children will go hunting for them. In more urban areas, scorpions are bought and sold as snacks.

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Scorpions Have No Bones

Scorpions Have No Bones

As is true with all arachnids, scorpions do not have any bones. Instead, they have a tough exoskeleton made of chitin, just like spiders, mites, ticks, and even crustaceans like shrimp, crabs, and lobster.

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Scorpions Can Live Without Food For a Year

Scorpions Can Live Without Food For a Year

If food is scarce or weather conditions restrict their ability to hunt, scorpions go into a depressed metabolic state called brumation, much like hibernation in warm-blooded animals. Because of their ability to brumate, some scorpions can survive without food for up to a year.

Unlike hibernation, they can come out of it easily when hunting is an option again.

Some Scorpions Reproduce Without a Mate

Some Scorpions Reproduce Without a Mate

Most scorpions mate intersexually, although some species do not need a mate to reproduce. This asexual reproduction is called parthenogenesis.

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Scorpions Carry Their Babies on their Back

Scorpions Carry Their Babies on their Back

Scorpions give live birth and have a litter that averages from 20 to 30 baby scorpions, although some have been known to have nearly 100 babies.

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Scorpions are Cannibals

Scorpions are Cannibals

Scorpions will eat just about any living thing they can catch and kill. They’re not picky eaters. They’ll eat any animal they can catch from ants and spiders to birds and even rodents.

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The High Cost of Scorpion Venom

The High Cost of Scorpion Venom

Scorpion venom is one of the most expensive liquids in the world worth around one to two million dollars per gram. If you buy it in bulk, you can get a gallon for a cool forty mil.

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Scorpions are Not Insects

Scorpions are Not Insects

Scorpions are bugs, but they are not insects. Scorpions have eight legs and two body segments, while insects have six legs and three body segments. Scorpions do not have antennae and do not develop wings.

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Scorpions Outdate Us

Scorpions Outdate Us

Scorpions have been around longer than we have. Fossil records date scorpions existence to over 400 million years.

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